Qubit: Yale Endowment Returns 2022
Yale's endowment returned 0.8% for FY 2022. But it paid out $20.6 billion to the school over 20 years. The endowment also returned 11.3% annually for the past 20 years.
Looking at chart below from last fiscal year’s report, the endowment’s market value is off by a billion.
“Yale’s endowment earned a 0.8% investment return, net of fees, for the year ending June 30, 2022, earning $266 million in investment gains. After $1.6 billion of spending distributions to the operating budget, the endowment value decreased from $42.3 billion on June 30, 2021 to $41.4 billion on June 30, 2022.”
“Over the past decade, the university has spent $12.7 billion from the endowment. In the decade before that, total spending amounted to $7.9 billion. Over the past 10 years and 20 years, endowment distributions to the operating budget have increased at annualized rates of 4.7% and 6.9%, respectively. Fiscal 2023 spending is projected to be $1.7 billion, representing 34% of the operating budget.”
Yale reports investment return for fiscal 2022
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